Hilarious Heller

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Turns out that in his big speech to the Labour Party conference Jeremy Corbyn borrowed some lines from a chap name Richard Heller.

Apparently, back in the good old bad old days, used to advise the 'best Prime Minister Labour never had', none other than the former chancellor Denis Healey.

Nothing wrong in that, if you ask me, because everyone uses speech writers these days although Jezza didn't credit Richard Heller or explain that his words had been rejected by previous Labour leaders including Ed Miliband.

But what made me laugh was that Richard Heller also wrote a drama about backbench life in the Labour Party called 'Waiting for Gordo' which tells the story of Gordon Brown succeeding Tony Blair as Labour leader and Prime Minister of the UK.
At the time BBC described the play with these flowery words: 

"The play conveys the existential futility of life for many in the modern Labour party and their long, seemingly endless wait for Gordo to come and make sense of things."

Now as everyone knows soon after coming to office Gordon Brown developed a reverse Midas Touch and virtually everything he tried to do or say turned to dust.

So quite how Gordo made sense of things is beyond me, unless the play is a comedy of course.

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